Who We Want
IF you've ever wanted to work in a Haunted House or Haunted Attraction, this may be your chance. We're looking for a few good people for the 2024 season but, not everyone is cut out to be an actor at a haunted attraction. Our season this year will consist of the last Friday and Saturday in September, and every Friday and Saturday night in October ONLY (EXCLUDING Halloween night).
HAUNTED HOLLOW Funeral Home & Casket Company, llc. is a family operated, and oriented organization. However, most of the members and actors are not related. Our cast is extremely diverse in age from youth up to our oldest active member in their late 80's. Our members come from a wide variety of social, economical, and educational levels. We have high school drop-outs and Masters degrees. We have members who are home makers, students, work in fast food, production facilities, educational institutions, managers of businesses, and business owners. Our members all interact with each other well because they share a common bond. They all love to haunt and love Haunted Hollow.
We are NOT looking for Make-up Artists, Concession workers, Ticket Takers, Supervisors, or any other form of staff. We are looking for Haunt Actors.
* MUST be at least 16 years old
* 16-17 years of age MUST have a signed permission form from their parent/legal guardian. We do have members
who are under 16 years of age but they occupy sets with their parent(s)
* MUST be 100% dependable
* MUST follow instructions and Organization Rules completely
* Must NOT over-indulge in alcohol at any time or, nor have a reputation of such. Members may
NOT consume any amount of alcohol on show dates or on Haunted Hollow property. Alcohol in
any amount is not allowed on property
* Must not be any type or level of drug user, or have a conviction or charge of such within the past
5 years, including the DRUG marijuana
* Must not have any conviction or charge of any form of sexual misconduct or offense.
* Must have dependable transportation
Actor skill level:
* You do NOT have to have any "Actor training" or "Actor Skills". We prefer that you don't
because we pride ourselves in turning non-actors into the best Haunt Actors in the Business.*
* All we want is someone who is willing to try. If you WANT be an actor, are WILLING TO TRY, we
will teach you everything you need to know. We will make you scary
* If you're looking for a job, or income, this isn't it. We ONLY accept volunteer actors and do not
pay. We do however, have contests with cash prizes and offer refreshments. Each actor receives
a nightly tip to off-set their expenses such as travel, food, etc. and a Bonus Tip if the actor works
every show.
* We do NOT tolerate members in this organization who stir up any degree of drama or, disrupt the
harmony of this organization. Anyone and everyone can fit in our organization as long as they
know how to act. We do not have time for silly people.
* Casting is held during August of each year and concluded by the 1st week of September. Our Cast is
set by the 2nd week in September of each year.
RSVP NOT necessary but Appreciated :
* To RSVP or fill out a Pre-Application, Please click on the button